The Lorax is one of Dr. Seuss’ most beloved classics. Not only is it a great story for all ages, but it focuses on a nature theme. In my humble opinion, it’s never too early to introduce conservation practices to your children. Whether you teach preschool or 4th grade…or even homeschool…you can’t go wrong inviting the Lorax to visit your kiddos. The following ideas will help you learn to speak for the Lorax trees by designing a truly awesome Lorax-themed classroom.
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Lorax Decorations for Your Classroom
These decorations come from various sites across the worldwide web. I’ve provided sources for each one (assuming one was available), as well as some nuggets of “wisdom” that might make the construction process a bit easier. To visit the source website for any of these, simply click on the photo. I’d love to hear what ideas you’ve implemented in your own classroom. You can email your ideas (with pictures) to
Lorax Classroom Door
I found this classroom door design on It’s fairly simple to put together. Use orange butcher paper as a background and add “The Lorax” in white letters. I recommend using a Cricut anytime you have letters or other time-intensive shapes to cut out. It will save your hands the pain of making all those tiny cuts.
To give your door the characteristic Lorax look, cut out fluffy, yellow eyebrows and a mustache, followed by eyes and a nose.
Truffula Trees
These truffula trees are made with foam insulation for plumbing, yellow duct tape, and colorful tissue paper poms. I’ve also seen them done with pool noodles, but those are frequently out of season and can be expensive.
You can find directions to make your own poms HERE.
For a really cute look, add truffula trees to your Lorax door!
Classroom Bulletin Board Designs
You can use your pom-making skills to create a unique bulletin board that highlights each student in your class. Ask the students for ways to “speak for the trees” or protect the Earth, and add their ideas to the board under a picture of each child. You might even consider giving them their own cute, yellow mustache!
Lorax Educational Activities
With a classroom decorated to welcome the Lorax whenever he feels like visiting, it won’t be long before your kids are learning about the various ways they can contribute to protect our natural resources for the future. As a teacher, you know how critical it is to capture your class’ attention in order for them to learn important concepts. Sometimes the more traditional education routes aren’t what the Dr. (Seuss, in this case) ordered. Here are a few educational activities designed with that idea in mind:
Reading and Math Lorax Activities
These activities focus on word families and simple addition and subtraction, but use the Lorax story to keep your students’ attention.
The Truffula Tree Math link I originally found takes you to a 404 error, so I’ve removed it. However, I think the lesson is pretty straight forward without instructions.
Learning Cause and Effect with the Lorax
Although I didn’t find a source for this activity, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. This works well with older students and encourages critical thinking.
Lorax Art Projects
Lorax-themed art projects make learning about conservation fun. These ideas are geared more towards younger children, but there are a few concepts that would work for older kids as well. This is just a smattering of what’s out there. There’s so much fun to be had with a Lorax-themed lesson; it will be hard for you to decide on just one project (I’m right there with you; it was really difficult to choose which ideas to include in this post).
Truffula Tree Pencils
I wasn’t able to find a link for this image, but it seems pretty simple, depending on what material you use for the top of your truffula trees. This example uses colored feather boas you can find at local craft shops.
Kids of all ages can make these, and they’ll be a good reminder throughout the school year of each student’s commitment to “speak for the trees.”
Don’t forget to throw in some fun Lorax crafts too!
I hope these ideas inspire you to build your own Truffula forest and encourage your children to love the Lorax as much as we did when we were kids.
And remember:
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
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